The Chaining Method is a natural extension of association as introduced in this chapter.

Other names you may find are: Linking and the Story Method.

They all do the same.

The Chaining Method is connecting pictures.

However instead of (only) two pictures you connect now more of them.

And as the name suggests: connect the pictures like a chain.

You connect the first picture with the second, the second with the third, and so on.

You can make it as long as you want.

If you use for training purposes (it is brilliant to revise/learn/practice ASSOCIATION) then I would advise a chain of 10 elements. That is long enough to teach you what association is all about, and not too much that you lose interest.


If a connection was not good enough, then – like in a chain – the rest is gone as well.

Therefore concerning quantity the journey method is superior.


Once you use the journey method later, you will notice that placing 3 – 5 items is quite possible.

Personally I actually find that 3 items grouped together is an advantage as ‘they help each other’.

That means: should one of the items come back ‘reluctantly’, then the other items could still trigger off the missing element. Also 3 or 4 items can form a mini-story.

That makes it fun and therefore more memorable.