How to go about TODAY'S Example:

And today we have a go with ITALIAN. 

And the example is:

balena ó whale.

As in: whale is balena in Italian.  

NB: the pre-requisite is: you know what ASSOCIATION means.

Pre-requisite is a fancy word for: you KNOW what Step 1: Association is all about.

If not, CLICK HERE. 

Remember: it works both ways:

From Italian into English.

And from English into Italian. 

Scenario 1: Italian into English.

You read or hear the word: balena

#1: how does it sound?

You might hear the words ball and Lena.

#2: Change these words into picture.

Ball: any ball will do. Remember: usually the first picture that came into your head is the best; and: give it a colour. This is not necessary, however it makes it so much more vivid; and that helps immensely.

Lena: anyone in your circle of friends called Lena? That will do just nicely. Or anyone that is famous: that’s fine as well.(Revise: Visualisation)

#3: What does the word mean in English?

Well, it means whale. Now create a picture for whale in your mind. That should be easy enough.

#4: Connect the pictures: how it sounds in Italian and what it means in English.

Never mind the sequence. Remember how association works. The weirder/the crazier: the better. Lena playing with a ball and the whale. Good.

Lena shoving the ball down the throat of the whale (and maybe the whale is choking a bit). Better.

Lena kicking the ball to the whale, and the whale is kicking back, and both of them are laughing or hurting or fighting over the ball. Still better.

(Revise: Association) 

Scenario 2: English into Italian

You want to learn that whale means balena in Italian.

#1: Read the word (whale) and see THAT in your mind’s eye.

#2: From google translate or the old-fashioned way: from a dictionary, you find out that whale is balena in Italian.

#3: Similar to above: How can you change balena into a picture?

Well, see above: ball & Lena

#4: Connect the pictures.

Again: just as above. 

You will notice later on: it doesn’t make a lot of difference, if it is from Italian into English or the other way around. With a bit of practice, you will not even notice it any more. It becomes second nature.